EDT6030 Digital Citizenship
Courtney Gardner

• Definition of Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship encompasses the rights and responsiblities of all technology users. "As the definition states, a citizen both works for and benefits from a larger society. The concept of digital citizenship, then, reinforces the positive aspects of technology so that everyone can work and play in this digital world" (Ribble, M. & Bailey, G.D., 2007, p.16).

Digital citizenship is essential in today's schools. In our current society, technology plays a major role in most people's lives. Technology is not limited to a specific type of person, rather most people interact with some form of technology on a daily basis. It is important for all technology users to understand the rules of belonging to the digital world.  

The EDT 6030 Digital Citizenship website will provide basic information about being a digital citizen. It covers the definition of digital citizenship and various topics regarding digital access, digital communication and digital rights and responsibilites.  

o The website is geared for third grade elementary students and teachers so that they may be better prepared to act as a digital citizen and understand important topics that relate to using technology.

A short video about digital citizenship for students.

Creative Commons License
EDT 6030 Digital Citizenship by Courtney Gardner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.